SERIES REVIEW FROM COMMON SENSE MEDIA FIVE-STARS COMMON SENSE SEAL: Parents need to know that True and the Rainbow Kingdom is an animated series whose main character helps her friends solve their problems with a combination of magic and old-fashioned determination. The show is rich in positive examples of compassion, empathy, and kindness, made even more obvious in contrast to the actions of True's self-absorbed friend, Grizelda. The stories are less simplistic than many others geared toward the preschool set, and viewers will notice that the characters' efforts often don't achieve the desired result on the first (or even second) try, requiring patience and perseverance to prevail. Vibrant animation, whimsical characters, and wonderful music round out this endearing series.
Ready, set, go!
Today is the Great Rainbow Race and True, her best friend, Bartleby the cat and all the racers are ready for fun. But Grizelda is not there just to have fun, she will do anything to win.
The Rainbow Kingdom is hosting its very first Rainbow Race and the Rainbow King is presiding over the race. True and Bartleby built their own race car. Things don't go as smoothly as planned. See what happens when something gets in the way of the drivers!