In SPLURT! flip a card and be the first one to shout out an answer that matches the clues. Can you imagine an animal containing 5 letters? A song ending in E? Think fast - say it first - win Splurt!
IN A PICKLE is a game of creative thinking and outrageous scenarios. Every card is printed with a noun - try to win a set of cards by fitting smaller things into bigger things: a baby goes in a shopping cart, which is in a house.. in Hollywood.
In THAT'S IT, take turns drawing a topic card, then race to shout out answers until someone says the exact word written. There are no penalties for shouting the wrong word, but only the right word will win! Get the most right and - that's it!
With HIT LIST, hit the timer, pull a card, and race to declare the answers that fit the category. How quickly can your team name ice cream brands? Fictional vampires? Cartoon cats? Answers can be obvious or obscure, but they score only if they're on the Hit List
In HELLO, MY NAME IS, can you name someone who's blond, musical, and short? How about an athlete who's bearded and married? Play trait cards and then race to name someone-real or fictional-who fits the description. Use your wits to win the most cards
JOE NAME IT is a lighthearted game for trivia buffs who like a challenge - draw a card from the deck of 200 questions, and roll the die to determine how you answer - leverage your wittiness to prevail!
- Experience six great games in one quick pack — giving you the perfect excuse for rounding up friends and family for a few hours of fun!
- Containing a variety of different games to break the ice or bring beginners out of their shells
- For trivia buffs who like a challenge, That's It, Joe Name It, and Hit List offer up fun variations on the theme
- In a Pickle, Splurt!, and Hello My Name Is offer up fun for non-trivia experts, as much about intuition and creativity as knowing the facts right on the money
- Whatever the day, whatever the occasion — you’re going to need more than one party for this set!