Daron Space Adventure Series
Daron's Space Adventure Series are made to be played, touched and enjoyed. These toys make for a great gift for your children or loved ones. They will enjoy hours of playtime! Collect all of Daron's products from this series to complete your own Space Adventure..
- Capsule dimensions: 4.75 inches x 4.25 inches. Batteries Included: Two 1.5V. Can be fitted on top of Space Station (included in this bundle). 1 astronaut figurine included
- Shuttle dimensions: 9.5 inches x 7.5 inches. Batteries Included: Two 1.5V AAA Alkaline batteries. Realistic lights & sounds
- Space station dimensions: 9.5 inches x 5 inches. Batteries Included: Two 1.5V. Includes: 1 space hover, 1 tether, 1 astronaut figurine (white), 1 backpack
- Recommended for children ages 3+
- Set comes with an exclusive Myriads drawstring bag for easy storage or transport