From the heart of the lowcountry on picturesque Wadmalaw Island, a few miles south of the city of Charleston
Grown on historic Wadmalaw Island in South Carolina, Charleston Tea Plantation cultivates the same tea plants originally shipped to South Carolina over 200 years ago. With its sandy soils, sub-tropical climate and average rainfall of 52 inches per year, Wadmalaw provides the perfect environment for propagating tea.
This is the only brand of tea in the world that is made exclusively with 100% tea grown in the United States. Certified South Carolina Grown, for over thirty years Charleston's Island Green Tea has been immensely popular with tea lovers in the Carolinas. Charleston Tea Plantation produces a larger leaf style, giving their teas a richer smoother taste.
The Charleston Tea Plantation takes pride in producing natural, premium tea. There are absolutely no herbicides, pesticides or insecticides used to protect the growth of Charleston Plantation's tea plants.